Oumolat Security Printing LLC values customer trust, therefore this is a fundamental factor in which Oumolat should safeguard its reputation. Complying with Anti-Trust laws throughout the world generates customer trust in Oumolat, and at the same time, protects Oumolat’s reputation globally.Oumolat has created this policy to ensure it complies with Anti-Trust laws throughout the world. Abiding by Anti-Trust rules is fundamental for creating and sustaining a competitive marketplace which ultimately benefits customers. Oumolat firmly believes that complying with Anti-Trust laws is the right thing to do for both itself and its customers.
Oumolat also supports the view that anti-competitive behavior that hinders the functioning of markets should be prohibited. Compliance with Anti-Trust laws is of key importance to Oumolat’s reputation and falls within the framework of Oumolat’s Code of Business Principles.
Within Oumolat, Directors, Managers, and Employees are expected to comply with all applicable Anti-Trust laws. Everyone is responsible for taking the necessary action to achieve this result and seek to avoid even the appearance of any wrongdoing. All Oumolat employees must demonstrate their awareness of Anti-Trust laws when engaging with any competitor, customer, or supplier.
To achieve this, all employees must understand the basic rules of Anti-Trust laws to ensure compliance when executing their day-to-day roles. Anti-Trust laws are complex and may vary from country to country. When applicable, Oumolat expects employees to seek guidance regarding any questions which may arise in relation to Anti-Trust compliance.
Oumolat will not tolerate any excuse for failing to seek further or legal advice when the situation requires. Oumolat expects compliance with its standard of integrity throughout the organization and will not tolerate employees who achieve results at the cost of violation of law or who deal unscrupulously.
The Basics of Anti-Trust Laws
Anti-Trust laws protect free and unrestricted competition between organizations and aid prohibiting the restriction of competition and the abuse of a dominant market position.